Monday, 3 October 2011

Marketing Methods

There are many methods to sell a band and their image:
the most expensive are the ads and tours as they will be in well known venues and hopefully in a well read magazine:
Music Video- easily £100,000
TV Adverts-£120,000 when shown along a popular TV program
Print Advertising-Full Page Rate: £6,920 
Tours-the price depends soulie on wether it is world wide or country wide, small bars or packed out venues.

However the most expensive are not always the most desirable:
The album and the cover -do not always have to 'bust the bank' as you can easily mock it up on your computer.
Facebook,Twitter and Myspace are free and play a huge part in the promotion of a band as they can put their music on my space, their band page on face book and let the fans know whats going keeping them up to date.
website and mechanising- the website can be done by the band themselves, and merchandising can be done on a budget but these two are also desirable as they give fans another place to follow the band and the mechanising give the band free advertising as the people who buy them will wear t-shirts for instance at a friends, and in turn telling them about the band.
The most lucrative are methods that will give the band and the record label the most money:
Word of Mouth is one of the main ones as it is free and all the money you get from it weather it be one T-Shirt or 100 more people to a concert it will all be profit at the end of the day. word of mouth is just one person telling someone else about the band and then them going on to tell two of their friends and so on.
the album will get quite a bit of money wether it is from cash sales or from down loads.

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