Sunday 26 February 2012

Planning and Research who did what

this is to show who was in charge of what in our planning and research i've wrote this down and will upload the image but for now this is how it looks:

storyboard individual shots
moodboard for music video idea
initial idea- secrets
initial idea- somewhere between the tide and i
risk assessment
weather predictions
final idea
target audience collage
target audience research
music video analysis
call sheets
asset lists
shot list
email to copyright holder
lyrics analysis
costume of band (moodboard)
costume of girl (moodboard)
all group meetings
music video influences
website analysis (Fall out boy)
digipak analysis (Katy Perry)
social network sites connected to our video
production company name and logo
digipak influences
target audience- our facebook group set up!
reference and inspiration artists

location recce
marketing strategies
marketing methods
test shots and final costume
final idea
initial idea- somewhere between the tide and i
animatic story board
group meeting brainstorm
music video analysis
email to copyright holder
lyric analysis and time code
all group meetings
music video influences
website analysis (the wombats)
Digipak analysis
additional research of the chosen band.
digipak influences
reference and inspiration artists